Lower Fall Creek Watershed Management Plan Update - Critical Areas Survey

To improve water quality in your area, the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District and Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) are collaborating on an update of the 2009 Lower Fall Creek Watershed Management Plan (https://www.in.gov/idem/nps/3246.htm). More background information about the project is provided in the attached brochure. The planning effort includes Fall Creek downstream of the Geist Reservoir to the confluence with the White River downtown.

As a resident of the Fall Creek watershed, you can help with this effort by taking the short survey below, and input will be utilized to help identify water quality concerns and critical areas for the implementation of best management practices to improve Lower Fall Creek.
1.Do you live close to a lake or stream?
2.Do you own or rent your home?
3.Do you think your neighborhood is impacted by poor water quality?
4.What is the source of your drinking water?
5.Indicate your level of agreement/disagreement with the following statements:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I feel an attachment to the Lower Fall Creek Watershed and want to improve it.
How I care for my lawn/yard influences the water quality of Lower Fall Creek.
I am willing to change my lawn/yard care practices to improve the water quality of Lower Fall Creek.
I am willing to implement green infrastructure practices (i.e. rain gardens, rain barrels) on my property to help improve the water quality of Lower Fall Creek.
6.My property has a gutter downspout that is directly connected to a stormwater system or combined sewer system.
7.How big of a problem do you think the following water pollutants and issues are in the Lower Fall Creek watershed?
Not a problem
A slight problem
A moderate problem
A severe problem
I don't know
Sediment/soil from eroding streambanks, construction sites and other sources
Nutrients-nitrates, nitrogen, phosphate, phosphorus
E. coli
Trash and debris
Invasive plants
8.The following are potential sources of water pollutants. How big of a problem are the following sources in the Lower Fall Creek Watershed?
Not a problem
A slight problem
A moderate problem
A severe problem
Don't know
Soil erosion from construction sites
Lawn fertilizers/pesticides
Combined sewer overflows
Failing septic systems
Stormwater runoff
Pet waste
Littering/illegal dumping
Floodplain development
Failing retention ponds
Illegally connected downspouts
9.The practices below have the potential to improve the water quality of Lower Fall Creek. Indicate your willingness to consider implementing each practice on your own property.
Need more information
Build a rain garden and/or use native plants/landscaping
Install a rain barrel
Keep yard clippings and trash out of drainage ditches and storm drains
Use phosphorus free lawn fertilizer or no fertilizer
Properly dispose of household waste
Implement streambank stabilization measures
10.Green Infrastructure refers to stormwater management practices that mimic nature to treat stormwater where it lands and promote water infiltration back into the ground. Indicate your willingness to consider attending a free green infrastructure workshop to learn ways you can implement these practices on your property.
11.The following areas have been identified by Lower Fall Creek watershed residents as specific locations that should either be protected, enhanced, or explored further for future demonstration projects to address identified water quality problems. Please indicate if you support these locations and note any other specific locations you think should be included.
12.What other general areas do you think should be included in potential project efforts?
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered