The Official Plan is a statutory document which sets out where and how Elgin County will grow to the year 2031.  As a long-term comprehensive vision for the County, it is important to gauge community priorities and goals.  For your reference, you can review the County’s Official Plan (February, 2015) in its current state by following this link.  Visit  for more information about the Official Plan review. 

This year marks the beginning of the Official Plan’s 5-year review (required by the Province). The purpose of this survey is to gather some “fast feedback” from our community to supplement a series of open house and stakeholder consultations as part of the engagement process for the Official Plan Review.  This survey is one tool among way for obtaining feedback from the public as we conduct this very important review. 

We know that Elgin County is growing, but we need to make sure this growth happens in a way that builds on Elgin County’s strengths, and improves the quality of life for all its citizens.  We all want Elgin County to be a great place to live, work and play! 

To do this, we need to know what’s important to Elgin County residents, employers and visitors, and how they want to see the County grow.  Among several ways County Planning will learn what is important through a public survey that asks about the vision, goals and objectives for the County. Thank you for your help informing this important piece of our public engagement strategy.

This survey will be available online or on paper, for a period of approximately 6 weeks; commencing on February 25, 2021, and closing on April 15, 2021. This survey includes pre-filled options and open text boxes.  Responses will be transcribed to a database, organized by category and analyzed by staff.  Staff will evaluate collective responses and relate them back to the Official Plan with the aim of addressing any gaps in our current Official Plan.  It is expected that many Official Plan policies will be re-affirmed by the Official Plan Review process, while others will require further review and evaluation. 

The responses to the Fast Feedback survey will be considered in conjunction with all other feedback gathered through our engagement process.  An additional survey will be issued as we develop options related to any proposed changes to the County’s Official Plan. 

This survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to fill out.  If you wish to SKIP any questions, please select the option “skip”. 
Respondent Data:

Tell us more about who you are and where you work?

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently live in Elgin County?

Question Title

* 2. Tell us about your housing arrangement.

Question Title

* 3. Do you currently work in Elgin County?

Question Title

* 4. I operate a business or a farm in Elgin County.

Question Title

* 5. How long have you lived in Elgin County?

Question Title

* 6. Please tell us where you live in Elgin County.

Question Title

* 7. Please let us know which age group best describes your age.

Planning for Future Growth and Development:

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements about future growth in Elgin County.

Question Title

* 8. Housing costs are affordable in Elgin County.

Question Title

* 9. There is a lot of housing choice in the County (rental, how ownership, condominium)

Question Title

* 10. There is not enough rental housing in Elgin. 

Question Title

* 11. What housing mix should be the focus of new and existing (where appropriate) neighbourhoods?

Question Title

* 12. What do you think should be the high-level focus of growth for Elgin County?

Question Title

* 13. Growth should be directed to the major corridors of the County (this includes roadways typically designed to handle higher volumes of traffic)

Question Title

* 14. I envision future growth and development optimizes existing infrastructure and services.

Question Title

* 15. I think current growth is directed in appropriate areas.

Question Title

* 16. Growth should be directed to undeveloped areas such as Greenfields  (Greenfields are undeveloped lands that are not part of the existing built-up area).

Question Title

* 17. I envision future growth and development that protects and enhances natural systems.

Question Title

* 18. I envision future growth and development that preserves greenspace and environmental features over the long-term.

Community Strengths and Priorities 

Question Title

* 19. Help us understand what aspects contribute positively to your favourite areas in Elgin County.  Please tell us what you like best about living in Elgin County: (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 20. What do you think are Elgin County's five greatest strengths (Please select five).

We would like to assess ways we can improve Elgin County.  Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements and please share any additional comments or suggestions for improvements. 

Question Title

* 21. I would like to have access to more educational opportunities in my community.

Question Title

* 22. I would like to see more employment opportunities in my community and the County

Question Title

* 23. I would benefit from additional community services

Question Title

* 24. I would benefit from additional opportunities to get involved in my Community.

Question Title

* 25. Elgin needs more transportation alternatives such as bike lanes, and public transportation.

Question Title

* 26. It is important for Elgin County to preserve its natural environment.

Question Title

* 27. It is important for Elgin County to preserve agricultural lands.

Question Title

* 28. It is important that Elgin County support well-planned, strategic growth to ensure we can maintain a healthy community.

Question Title

* 29. Supporting local food production is important to me.

Question Title

* 30. I think it is important that the municipality prepare for and invest in development/infrastructure growth

Question Title

* 31. I would like to see different housing options available in my community.

Question Title

* 32. Elgin County should encourage development of a range of housing choices that meet the full range of our community’s housing needs – including the needs of low- and moderate- income citizens.

Question Title

* 33. Elgin County should be accessible (barrier-free) - a place where everyone, regardless of ability, shares equal access to the key elements of life in a community.

Question Title

* 34. Climate change and its impact on the environment (i.e. shoreline, flooding, erosion) is a concern to me.

Question Title

* 35. Elgin should develop a strategy to support attracting new business and
employment to the area.

Question Title

* 36. An emerging trend is allowing farms to offer overnight accommodations. As a tourism opportunity. Elgin should consider changing the Official Plan to allow for this.

Question Title

* 37. I think more work is needed to ensure we have accessible and connected system that facilitates active living, social inclusion and economic development.

Question Title

* 38. I have more ideas of ways to improve Elgin County.

Official Plan Review Priorities

Please help us understand your priorities for the Official Plan review.  Select the answer that best reflects how you feel about each priority.

Question Title

* 39. Housing Affordability: Provide a mix and range of housing types that meet the needs of diverse groups and aging population.

Question Title

* 40. Natural Heritage and Climate Change: protect and enhance natural heritage systems and features and plan for climate change impacts.

Question Title

* 41. Accessible and Inclusive: provide equitable and barrier free access to services and amenities.

Question Title

* 42. Diverse/Adaptive Economy: attract and support new and sustainable business and employment opportunities.

Question Title

* 43. Protected Employment Area: manage the supply of employment lands, including agricultural lands, for sustained economic growth.

Question Title

* 44. Arts and Culture: support the County’s unique cultural scene and spaces.

Question Title

* 45. Transportation: develop and encourage different types of transportation, with priority to transit, walking and cycling.

Question Title

* 46. Local Food Security: support local food & protect and promote agriculture to ensure reliable and convenient access to healthy foods.

Question Title

* 47. Sustainable Development: support development that makes efficient use of infrastructure, energy and resources in order to reduce greenhouse gases.

THANK YOU for participating in this very important process the information we receive through the survey will help to define the list of topics we will be looking at through the Official Plan review process.

If you’d like to receive email updates about the Official Plan Review or upcoming opportunities to provide additional feedback, please contact us at 

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