The State Library uses LSTA funds to purchase CSLP summer program manuals for Ohio public libraries.  Each library system may select one of these formats for the LSTA-supported purchase of the 2019 "A Universe of Stories" CSLP manual:
  • USB flash drive (Single flash drive for each library location; contents may be downloaded to multiple computers; also comes with online access)
  • DVD (Single DVD for each library location; contents may be downloaded to multiple computers; also comes with online access)
  • Online only (Downloadable by access code to multiple computers at a location). 
If you want the same number and format of manuals, and the same number of paper Demco/CSLP product catalogs, as you received for 2018, you do NOT NEED to complete this survey.

Answer starred questions, but skip any other questions that don't apply to you.

Question Title

* 1. Your contact information:

Question Title

* 2. Contact info of person who should receive the manual shipment (if not you):

Each format includes the early literacy, children's, teen, and adult programs, plus artwork and all related resources.  Libraries that have separate departments may transfer files from the USB or DVD to multiple computers within a building, or may download the online manual to multiple computers within a building. 

Ordinarily, the State Library will supply one manual for each library outlet in a system.  All the manuals must be the same format.  For example, if you have a main library, 3 branches, and a bookmobile, you may receive 5 USB flash drives, OR 5 DVDs, OR 5 online-only access codes.  You may request fewer manuals if you don't need that many. 

You may purchase additional manuals in any format, including paper, from the Demco/CSLP catalog (see question #5).

Question Title

* 3. Which manual format do you request?

Question Title

* 4. If you require a different number of manuals than the number of library outlets in your system, how many manuals do you need?

Question Title

* 5. The Demco/CSLP product catalog is available online at Ordinarily, paper copies of the catalog are shipped along with the manuals. Libraries may opt out of receiving the paper catalog. How many paper catalogs do you request?
(If yours is a single-location library and you want a paper catalog, you may skip this question.)

Please click "Done" to submit.  You will be redirected to the State Library's youth services page.  Thank you.