You are invited to participate in a survey aimed at collecting data that will assist the Delta State University College of Business and Aviation with curriculum development. The survey will take approximately 2-4 minutes to complete. It consists of eleven questions that ask about your experience as an employer of a College of Business and Aviation graduate(s). You may skip any question that makes you uncomfortable or stop the survey at any time. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or discontinue participation at any time. Data will be stored securely and will only be accessible to the research team. Results from this survey may be published or presented at conferences, but your identity will not be disclosed.
There are minimal risks associated with participating in this study. However, some questions may ask for sensitive information, and you may skip any question that makes you uncomfortable. While there are no direct benefits to you for participating, your responses will contribute to valuable feedback for the purposes of curriculum development.
By clicking "I agree" or proceeding with the survey, you indicate that you have read and understood the information above, and you voluntarily agree to participate in this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Participate in survey.