Church Types Initial Response
Completing this form
This response should be completed on behalf of each individual church that is open for public worship; please do not provide a combined response on behalf of a number of churches.
This response should be submitted following careful and prayerful consideration by as many as possible of those involved in the church, and ideally following a resolution of the PCC or DCC. A reference copy of this survey is available online, as well as a workbook churches can use to support their prayers, reflections and response:
It is the initial response to the question: “What do you believe God is calling your church to be in the wider picture of the Kingdom of God in your area?”. Few churches will be a perfect fit, and these initial responses will be the beginning, not the end, of discussions locally, in your ministry teams, in the new and emerging Local Mission Partnerships, in your Deaneries, and in the embryonic Deanery Partnerships.
Please think about what your church could realistically become, not just what you believe you are now, or were just before the Covid-19 pandemic struck.
It is the initial response to the question: “What do you believe God is calling your church to be in the wider picture of the Kingdom of God in your area?”. Few churches will be a perfect fit, and these initial responses will be the beginning, not the end, of discussions locally, in your ministry teams, in the new and emerging Local Mission Partnerships, in your Deaneries, and in the embryonic Deanery Partnerships.
Please think about what your church could realistically become, not just what you believe you are now, or were just before the Covid-19 pandemic struck.