Summer Camp Staff Reference

Thank you for serving as a reference for potential camp staff this summer. The candidate has selected you to evaluate his/her character, experience, past performance and potential for a seasonal summer camp position with Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus Pine Council. Please complete all of the questions to the best of your knowledge.

Question Title

* 1. Section One

Question Title

* 2. Camp Applicant is applying for.

Question Title

* 3. Reference Information:

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the applicant in the following areas, marking the scale below for each area.   

1= WEAK-- does not consistently meet expectations, uneven performance or results. 
2= AVERAGE -- solid performance, expectations are met, no significant misses. 
3= STRONG -- exceeds reasonable standards, significantly above average. 
N/A = Have not seen them in this role.

  1 2 3 N/A
Ability to adapt to a new situation or group
Ability to be accountable for mistakes
Willingness to take initiative
Ability to accept feedback
Emotional maturity
Willingness to accept responsibility
Ability to communicate openly and effectively
Ability to handle stress
Ability to start projects and follow through
Ability to live and work in a rigorous outdoor setting
Ability to accept direction/supervision
Ability to overcome obstacles and frustration
Sensitivity to others' needs and problems
Cooperation with peers
Ability to give feedback
Overall sense of judgement
Understanding of child development