Bookmobile Survey

Dear Mendocino County Resident,

Our current Bookmobile is nearing the end of its life, and we are investigating options for our future Bookmobile. The purpose of this survey and public meetings are to provide you the opportunity to share what is important to you and for us to take into consideration for our next Bookmobile. Your input and the budget will influence the recommendations that will be presented to the Library Advisory Board and the Board of Supervisors, who will make the final decision.

Please provide your opinions in this survey.
Bookmobile parked in forest.
1.Please mark your community.(Required.)
2.Do you use the Bookmobile?(Required.)
3.If you visit a library branch, which one?(Required.)
4.What are the most important Bookmobile services to you. Please select:(Required.)
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Books to browse and check out / Returning items
Requested holds to pick up
DVDs to browse and check out
Bookmobile Wi-Fi use
School visits
Laptops and hotspots to check out
Friendly staff and social environment
5.What are your favorite types of items to check out?
6.How do you feel about the current length of time for your Bookmobile stop?
7.Would you like your Bookmobile stop to be longer?
8.Would you like your Bookmobile stop to be more often?
9.Would a browsable Seed Library be desirable?
10.Would you like to see more onboard seating?
11.Do you think the Bookmobile should have more shelving for DVDs?
12.Would you be interested in a video game collection onboard the Bookmobile?
13.Would you like to see the Bookmobile have lower shelves and fewer items or the same number of shelves and items?
14.What do you think about having two doors (entrance and exit) on the Bookmobile?
15.Do you think an awning would be useful for the Bookmobile?
16.Would you browse book carts located outside the Bookmobile at your stop?
17.Would you like to see the Bookmobile provide more events or are the current services meeting your needs?
18.Would you attend a tech help event at your Bookmobile stop?
19.Do you think a visual monitor that displayed Bookmobile and general library information would be useful?
20.Would you like to see an onboard computer station?
21.Would you use a computer station located outside the Bookmobile at your Bookmobile stop?