Welcome to Actively Operating: Tools for Self-Care and Interpersonal Activism

Thank you for your interest in the Actively Operating retreat sponsored by the UConn Women's Center and the Office of Community Outreach!

This one-day retreat will give you the tools you need for sustainable activism. It features two workshops and a working lunch, focusing on self-care in activism, activism basics, and enacting change on an interpersonal level. The retreat is open to people with all levels of experience in activism, from people with a new interest in activism to those already working in activist circles.

There will be three sessions, each covering a different topic.

Self Care Within Activist Practices
From 10:00 to 11:45, join us for a workshop on self-care in activism from UConn's Counseling and Mental Health Services. How do we take care of ourselves while advocating for change? How do we tend to our own health and emotions? We’ll sit down and talk about strategies for keeping yourself healthy and avoiding burnout.

Working Lunch: Activism 101
From 12:00 - 1:45, join us for a working lunch while learning about the basics of how to navigate networks of change with UConn PIRG.

Tools for Activism
From 2:00 - 3:45, join us for a workshop on facilitating dialogue and creating connections with people across differences. We’ll learn communication techniques and how to make change within different spheres - institutional, community and interpersonal.

You are free to sign up for as many sessions as you'd like. Food and beverages will be provided for the working lunch session.