Question Title

* 1. Check appropriate title.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the organization of this meeting.

Question Title

* 3. The ACCME defines commercial bias as presentations giving an unbalanced view of therapeutic options by promoting a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.

Was this CME course free of commercial bias?

Question Title

* 4. Did the faculty disclose significant relationships with commercial support?
(One or more of these methods: Syllabus / Opening Remarks / Verbally / On Slides)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the quality of the meeting facilities.

Question Title

* 6. How well were the 2017 Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress Learning Objectives met?

Upon completion of the course participants should be able to:

  Significantly Met Somewhat Met Not Met
Review the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model and gain a better understanding of the Bundle and its implications on the practice of orthopaedics
Explore the emerging trend of outpatient hip and knee replacement and strategies for enhanced recovery Arthroplasty
Develop an approach to the diagnosis and management of the young painful hip
Compare the latest treatment options for cartilage and meniscal defects in the knee
Discuss the options for ligament reconstruction and osteotomies about the knee
Review the continuum of care for progressive levels of arthritis in the knee, from unicompartmental though bicompartmental to
cruciate retaining arthroplasty
Evaluate the state of the art and future trends in primary total hip and total knee arthroplasty
Develop and hone an algorithmic approach to the management of TJA, including candidates for rapid rehabilitation and outpatient
Expand understanding of the identification of the problem total joint replacement and the appropriate treatment of the failed hip and knee replacement

Question Title

* 7. Did you meet your personal goal/objective for what you intended to get out of this course?

Question Title

* 8. Do you intend to integrate what you learned at this conference into your current practice?

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the relevance of this program to your scope of practice:

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Enhanced Recovery Arthroplasty Session & Workshop

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Brian J. McGrory, MD, MS - Outpatient TJA: Patient Selection, Education and Facility Preparation
Gwo-Chin Lee, MD - Patient Selection and Preop Education
Joseph A. Bosco III, MD - Outpatient TJA: Anaesthesia, Pain Management, and At Home Care and PT
B. Willem Schreurs, MD, PhD - Postoperative Management: Appropriate Discharge Criteria
TBD - European Consensus Group on Perioperative Management
Raymond H. Kim, MD - How I Am Setting Up an Outpatient Program at My New Institution
Richard Iorio, MD - Management of the Reimbursement Model

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Practice Optimization: Clinical Pathways and Protocols

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Richard Iorio, MD - Optimizing the Electronic Office in a High Volume Orthopaedic Practice
Ran Schwarzkopf, MD, MSc - Managing the TJA Patient During an Opioid Epidemic
David G. Nazarian, MD - Comprehensive Perioperative Blood Management
Jay R. Lieberman, MD - Stratification and Management of VTE Risks Post TJA
Gwo-Chin Lee, MD - Avoiding Surgical Site Infections
Michael P. Bolognesi, MD - Obesity and TJA: Our Approach to a Growing Problem
Joseph A. Bosco III, MD - Antibiotic Prophylaxis in TJA

Question Title

* 12. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Value-Based Healthcare: Stuck in the Bundle With You

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Richard Iorio, MD - Value-Based Healthcare: Stuck in the Bundle with You
Richard Iorio, MD - CJR: What Is It and Where Is it Going 
Richard Iorio, MD - BPCI: The NYU Experience Lessons Learned Regarding Bundle Implementation: The Five Pillars of Value-Based TJA Care 
Ran Schwarzkopf, MD, MSc - Optimizing Patients for Total Joint Replacement: A Comprehensive Approach
Joseph A. Bosco III, MD - Gainsharing: In the 'Is it Legal ?' Segment 
James Slover, MD - Length of Stay: The Least Important Metric in the Bundle
Matthew S. Austin, MD - Managing Post Discharge Costs
Brian J. McGrory, MD, MS - Bundled Payments in a Private Practice Setting

Question Title

* 13. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Value-Based Medicine and Its Influence on Orthopaedic Industry

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Matthew Chaiken, Blink Health 

James Dias, Wellbe 
Robert Galvin, Blackstone 
Paul Jarwin, Stryker 
Marshall Maran, Muve Health 
Samantha Mockaitis, Medtronic 
Harold Mondschein, MedTel 
Browyn Spira, Force Therapeutics 
Joshua Vose, Medtronic 

Question Title

* 14. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION : The Young Adult Hip

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Lazaros Poultsides, MD - My Tips for Evaluation of the Young Painful Hip
Kevin Math, MD - Radiographic Evaluation of the Young Painful Hip
Robert J. Meislin, MD - Surgical Pearls of Hip Arthroscopy and Labral Tears
Gwo-Chin Lee, MD - Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement
Jonathan Vigdorchik, MD - Mangement of Extra-Articular Deformities of the Hip and Osteotomies

Question Title

* 15. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Surgical Approaches

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Raymond H. Kim, MD - Anterior Approach: Five Video Tips to Optimize This Approach
Brian J. McGrory, MD, MS - Specialized Table for a Modified Anterior THA: Five Video Tips to Optimize Our ApproachBrian J. McGrory, MD, MS - Specialized Table for a Modified Anterior THA: Five Video Tips to Optimize Our Approach
David G. Nazarian, MD - Supine Anterolateral Approach: Five Video Tips to Optimize Our Approach
Gwo-Chin Lee, MD - Mini Posterolateral Approach: Five Video Tips to Optimize Our Approach
Eleftherios Tsiridis, MD, PhD, FRCS - Direct Superior MIS Approach for Primary THA: Five Video Tips to Success
Jonathan Vigdorchik, MD - Robotic THA -Five Tips to Training Your Robot
Mark W. Pagnano, MD - Does the Approach Affect the Outcome in THA?

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Society Update

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Craig J. Della Valle, MD - Update from the Hip Society October 5-7 2017
B. Willem Schreurs, MD, PhD - Update from the European Hip Society Wim Scheurs President
Michael P. Bolognesi, MD - AAHKS Update

Question Title

* 17. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Primary THA: The Components

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
B. Willem Schreurs, MD, PhD - Cemented THA: Why Did We Ever Change?
Michael N. Kang, MD - Porous Acetabular Surfaces - Are They All the Same?
Nico Verdonschot, PhD - Improving Peri-Prosthetic Bone Adaptation Around Cementless Hip Stems
Jonathan Vigdorchik, MD - How I Optimize Socket Position
Wayne G. Paprosky, MD - Stem Selection in Uncemented THA
Eleftherios Tsiridis, MD, PhD, FRCS - Monblock Acetabular Reconstruction

Question Title

* 18. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Bearing Surfaces in THA

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
William B. Macaulay Jr., MD - Hip Resurfacing: I Am Still a Fan in These Cases
Thomas K. Donaldson, MD - Modern Cross-Linked Polyethylene in THA -Have We Solved the Problem of Wear?
Matthew S. Austin, MD - Ceramic-PE: The New Gold Standard?
Eleftherios Tsiridis, MD, PhD, FRCS - Ceramic-Ceramic
Ran Schwarzkopf, MD, MSc - Dual Mobility Articulations
Thomas K. Donaldson, MD - My Decision Making Regarding Bearing Surfaces

Question Title

* 19. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: THA: Complications

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Ran Schwarzkopf, MD, MSc - Conversion of Previous Hip Surgery to a THA: Planning and Pitfalls
Craig J. Della Valle, MD - Fretting and Corrosion at Modular Junctions
Jonathan Vigdorchik, MD - Evaluation and Management of the Unstable Hip
Michael N. Kang, MD - The Patient Thinks the Hip is Too Long, or Too Short?
Eleftherios Tsiridis, MD, PhD, FRCS - Management of Peri-Prosthetic Fractures During and After THA

Question Title

* 20. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Alfred J. Tria, MD - Optimizing the Surgical Approach
Siegfried Hofmann, MD, PhD - Cement Technique in TKA
David J. Backstein, MD, MEd, FRCSC - Correction of Extra-Articular Deformities
Wolfgang Fitz, MD - Perfectly Balancing the PCL
W. Norman Scott, MD, FACS - TKA in the Young Patient is a Durable Option

Question Title

* 21. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Primary TKA: New Techniques and Technologies

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Wolfgang Fitz, MD - The Balanced Knee Through a Soft Tissue Balancing Technique (Video Vignette)
Donald M. Kastenbaum, MD - The Balanced Knee Through a Measured Resection Technique (Video Vignette)
Gwo-Chin Lee, MD - Kinematic Alignment in TKA (Video Vignette)
Mark W. Pagnano, MD - Alignment in TKA: A Moving Target?
Patrick A. Meere, MD - Intraoperative Sensors to Balance the Knee (Video Vignette)
Wolfgang Fitz, MD - Customized TKA (Video Vignette)
David J. Mayman, MD - Portable Navigation (Video Vignette)
Richard Iorio, MD - A Value-Based Look at Advanced Technologies

Question Title

* 22. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Society Update

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Jason Heath, Executive Director, ICJR - Latest News and Updates from ICJR
Jay R. Lieberman, MD - Top 5 Papers' from: The Knee Society Fall Meeting 9/14-16
Chris Dodd, MB, ChB, FRCS - Top 5 Papers' From: The European Knee Society

Question Title

* 23. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Current Controversies in TKA

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Andrea Baldini, MD - Is Cross-Linked Polyethylene the Ultimate Material in TKA?
Kevin I. Perry, MD - Monoblock Tibial Components: Take Another Look
Nico Verdonschot, PhD - Will Cementless TKA Become the New Gold Standard?
Siegfried Hofmann, MD, PhD - Metal Allergy in TKA: Does it Really Exist?
David G. Nazarian, MD - Bilateral TKA: What Are the Current Indications?
Lazaros Poultsides, MD - Optimizing the Patient's Intraoperative Journey

Question Title

* 24. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Infection Management in TKA

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Matthew S. Austin, MD - A Comprehensive Infection Reduction Program
Craig J. Della Valle, MD - Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Infection: An Algorithm-Based Approach
Richard Iorio, MD - There Remains a Role for I&D in the Infected TKA
Wayne G. Paprosky, MD - An Expanded Role of Single Stage Revision for Infection?
David J. Backstein, MD, MEd, FRCSC - Two Stage Revision for Infected TKA Remains the Gold Standard

Question Title

* 25. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Techniques in Revision TKA: Part I

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
William J. Long, MD, FRCSC - Management of the Stiff Knee
Jay R. Lieberman, MD - Management of the Unstable Knee
Richard Iorio, MD - Stem Options in Revision TKA
Emmanuel Thienpont, MD - Continuum of Constraint and Megaprostheses
David J. Backstein, MD, MEd, FRCSC - Periprosthetic Fractures

Question Title

* 26. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Techniques in Revision TKA: Part II, Video Vignettes

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
William B. Macaulay Jr., MD - Principles of Revision TKA
David J. Mayman, MD - Surgical Exposure in Revision TKA Video
Patrick A. Meere, MD - Removing the Components: Tips and Pearls Video
Gwo-Chin Lee, MD - Management of Bone Loss: Video
Kevin I. Perry, MD - Extensor Mechanism Reconstruction Video

Question Title

* 27. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION:Partial Knee Arthroplasty: Part I

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
William B. Macaulay Jr., MD - Unicondylar Arthroplasty: My Current Indications
Francesco Benazzo, MD - UKA: Planning and Surgical Technique
Emmanuel Thienpont, MD - Medial Unicondylar Arthroplasty with ACL Reconstruction
Wolfgang Fitz, MD - Medial Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty with PSI
Craig S. Radnay, MD - Unicondylar Arthroplasty with Robotic Technology
Siegfried Hofmann, MD, PhD - Mobile Versus Fixed Bearing UKA: What Does the Data Show?

Question Title

* 28. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Partial Knee Arthroplasty: Part II

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Emmanuel Thienpont, MD - Patellofemoral Arthroplasty: Indications and Outcomes
Andrea Baldini, MD - Lateral Unicondylar Arthroplasty
Alfred J. Tria, MD - Bicompartmental Arthroplasty
W. Norman Scott, MD, FACS - Bi-Cruciate Retaining TKA -Is There a Role?

Question Title

* 29. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Unicompartmental Arthritis

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Andrea Baldini, MD - High Tibial Osteotomy: Current Indications
Siegfried Hofmann, MD, PhD - HTO: Planning and Surgical Technique
Francesco Benazzo, MD - Tibial Tubercle Ostoetomies
Laith Jazrawi, MD - Distal Femoral Osteotomies

Question Title

* 30. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Ligamentous Injuries

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Francesco Benazzo, MD - Graft Choice for ACL Reconstruction in 2016
Timothy G. Reish, MD - Surgical Approaches for ACL Reconstrucion: Transtibial vs Anteromedial vs All-Inside
Eric J. Strauss, MD - Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction: Indications and Surgical Techniques
Laith Jazrawi, MD - ACL Reconstruction in the Skeletally Immature Patient
Michael J. Alaia, MD - Pearls for Revision ACL Reconstruction
Craig S. Radnay, MD - Post-ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation and Prevention Strategies

Question Title

* 31. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Knee Injuries and Extensor Mechanism Management

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Francesco Benazzo, MD - PCL and PLC Reconstruction
Michael J. Alaia, MD - Multiple Ligament Reconstruction
Eric J. Strauss, MD - Meniscal Transplantation
Guillem Gonzalez-Lomas, MD - MPFL Reconstruction
Timothy G. Reish, MD - Proximal Extensor Mechanism Realignment

Question Title

* 32. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Transatlantic Orthopaedic Congress speakers
SESSION: Cartilage Enhancement

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Craig S. Radnay, MD - Injectables: PRP, Viscosupplementation, Stem Cells
Guillem Gonzalez-Lomas, MD - Current Role for Microfracture in the Management of Focal Cartilage Defects
Laith Jazrawi, MD - Osteochondral Treatment Options: OATS and Osteochondral Allografts
Eric J. Strauss, MD - Novel Scaffolds and Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
Nico Verdonschot, PhD - Meniscal Transplantation: Allograft vs. Meniscal Replacement

Question Title

* 33. Based on your CME needs, please give suggestions for future program topics/formats.

Question Title

* 34. What barriers do you foresee that may hinder your implementation of changes learned at this activity? What educational strategies could help to overcome these barriers?

Question Title

* 35. What do you see as your BIGGEST challenge in improving patient safety, patient care and/or patient outcomes? What educational strategies could help to overcome this challenge?

Question Title

* 36. How did you hear about this CME Program?

Question Title

* 37. Please provide your contact information.

Question Title

* 38. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of The Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) and International Congress for Joint Reconstruction (ICJR).

FORE is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. FORE designates this live activity for a maximum of 23 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Please attest below to the number of credits earned during this activity (min 0.25 - max 23)