Texas Parent to Parent Work Idea Survey Question Title * 1. What is your job or volunteer title? Question Title * 2. Where do you work? Question Title * 3. Do you get paid or do you volunteer? I get paid by the hour I get paid a salary (minimum wage or higher) I get paid for a product or service (like a cup of coffee or a piece of art) I don’t get paid, I volunteer I get paid and I also volunteer Question Title * 4. How many hours per week do you work or volunteer? Question Title * 5. Tell us about your schedule for work or volunteering Question Title * 6. How do you get to and from the place where you work or volunteer? I drive myself Someone else drives me I ride the bus or other public transit I use a taxi, Lyft, or Uber Other (please tell us) Question Title * 7. Which of these help you work or volunteer? Check all that apply, and tell us more in the text box below. I use technology (example: iPad or communication device) I have a job coach or counselor I use an attendant or other paid staff I don’t need help Other (please tell us) Question Title * 8. If someone helps you do your job, how did you find them and how do they get paid? Question Title * 9. What did you need to learn to do your job or volunteer position? Question Title * 10. What steps helped you get the job? Question Title * 11. What do you do at your job? Question Title * 12. What does your day at work or volunteering look like? Question Title * 13. What people do you see every day at work? Question Title * 14. What do you like about your job? Question Title * 15. What tips can you share with others about getting your job or doing your job? Question Title * 16. Use this space to tell us anything more about your work: Question Title * 17. Include a photo of yourself at work if you would like to: If you have more than one photo to share, please email amy.litzinger@txp2p.org PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF file types only. Choose File Choose File No file chosen Remove File If you have more than one photo to share, please email amy.litzinger@txp2p.org Question Title * 18. Your name: Question Title * 19. Email: Question Title * 20. Phone: Question Title * 21. May we call you to learn more about your story? Yes No Question Title * 22. May we share your email address if others want to ask you questions? Yes No Question Title * 23. Is this story about you or someone else? This is my story This is someone else's story Next