Informed Consent

Dear Participant,

My name is Daryl Smith, and I am a student at the University of Phoenix working on a Doctor of Management in Organization Leadership Information Systems and Technology (DM/IST).  My study is entitled Examining the Association Between Business Process Improvement and Work Performance within IT Sectors. The purpose of the research study is to investigate the effectiveness of organizations implementing ordinary business process improvement relating to work performance.

Your participation in this study is voluntary, and if you choose not to participate or to disengage from the study at any time, you can do so without penalty.  Your involvement will consist in completing an online research survey that will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  It is desired that all questions be answered to provide honest and truthful responses.  The results of the research study may be printed, but your identity and the identity of your organizations was kept confidential. 

Confidentiality will be enforced in the study by not collecting or storing identifiable personal or organizational information when you take this online survey. None of your answers can be directly traced back to you. In this research, there are no foreseeable risks to you.  We do not anticipate you experiencing any discomfort or other negative feelings when responding to items in this study. There are no cookies, viruses, worms or any other Internet threats linked with taking this survey.  It is recommended that you print this statement for your records, or record the address for this site and keep it for reference.

Generally, there may be no direct or limiting benefits to you participating in a scholarly study; however, it is possible to provide you with the results of the research study.  These findings could give you information on how other organizations use business process improvement techniques to achieve organizational performance.  This information may help your organization to improve overall performance.

Please contact me at (770) 912-2700 or at if you have any questions about this study. For questions about your rights as a study participant, or any concerns or complaints, please contact the University of Phoenix Institutional Review Board via email at


Daryl Smith
Doctor of Management in Organization Leadership
Information Systems and Technology Candidate
University of Phoenix
School of Advanced Studies

As a participant in this study, you should understand the following:

   1.    I acknowledge that I may decline to participate or withdraw from participation at any time
         without consequences.
   2.   I acknowledge that my identity and the identity of my organization will be kept anonymous.
   3.   I acknowledge that I understand the nature of the study, any potential risks to me as a
         participant, and the means by which my identity will be kept confidential.
   4.   Clicking on the first Box Button below indicates that I am over the age of 18, that I am not a
         member of any protected category of participants (minor, pregnant woman when considered
         part of a designated research group of women, prisoner, or cognitively impaired), and that I 
         give my permission to voluntarily serve as a participant in the study described by the 
         researcher, in the Introductory Letter.
   5.   Data will be stored in a locked cabinet in the researcher’s home office with limited access. 
         The data will be held for a period of three years, and then destroyed.
   6.   The research results will be used for publication.

Question Title