AIA-solicitation of comments on Johns Hopkins proposed public safety initiative

Thank you for taking the time to provide your comments and questions regarding the Johns Hopkins proposed public safety initiative.

All information published by Johns Hopkins regarding the public safety initiative can be accessed at this link.

Please note a few things before proceeding:

1) You can choose to remain anonymous. However, if you have a comment or question that requires a direct response, please provide contact information.

2) Your comments here do not constitute a vote regarding the Johns Hopkins public safety initiative. The AIA membership will vote on a position on the initiative at the general membership meeting on Saturday January 26, at the Waverly Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library at 10:30am.

3) These comments will be published in full to the AIA membership. Identifying information will be removed.

4) We also encourage you to contact your state legislators directly regarding this issue.

Question Title

* 1. What is your position on the proposed private police force?

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* 2. Do you live within the boundaries of the AIA? A map of the neighborhood can be accessed at this link

The AIA footprint is highlighted in gray.

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* 3. Please write comments and questions you have regarding the initiative in this space.

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* 4. Contact information. If you prefer to remain anonymous you can skip this section