Stop the Hate

Stop the Hate

The Community Alliance (CA) newspaper is launching a "Stop the Hate" campaign and is seeking your input to identify, vocalize, and eradicate "Hate" in Fresno County.  CA wants to hear about incidents of "Hate" you have encountered and/or witnessed, especially involving the following groups: The Disabled, LGBTQ+, Women, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian & Pacific Islander, Native Americans, Native Hawaiian/OPI, and Religious.
1.In what city/area do you live?
2.How old are you?
3.With which ethnicity do you identify?
4.What gender do you identify as?
5.Are you a parent?
6.Are you a grandparent?
7.Please provide your definition of hate?
8.Please provide a couple of examples of hate that you experienced or witnessed?
9.How have acts of "Hate" affected you personally?
10.What can you do to reduce "Hate" in your community?
11.What can society do to reduce "Hate" in your community?