Industry and Business Community Workforce Housing Investigation Needs Survey - Shires of Tammin, Yilgarn, Merredin, Kellerberrin and Bruce Rock

WEROC Workforce Housing Investigation in conjunction with the Wheatbelt Development Commission

1.Which Local Government Area is your business located in?
2.Name of Business/Farming Enterprise
3.How many workers do you employ?

4.Is there a gap/shortage in your workforce?
5.If Yes to question 4 above, how many additional workers do you need?
6.Where do your workers live?
7.Does your Business supply housing/accommodation for your workers?
8.If your business/farm supplies worker housing, please indicate the number and type of accommodation.
1 Dwelling
2 Dwellings
3 Dwellings
4 Dwellings or more
Room only
On Farm
Owned Property in Town
Rental Property in Town
9.Generally do you consider that the type of the housing stock you provide meets your employees needs?
Rental accommodation
Business owned accommodation
10.Which type of dwelling would most typically suit your employees?
11.What are the housing needs or gaps for your employees?
12.Would you consider investing (lease or purchase/build) in additional housing for your employees?
Yes - Lease Only
Yes - Purchase Only
Yes - Purchase or Lease
Not Interested/Able
13.What would enable you to purchase or build housing for your employees?