What is YOUR VISION for Route 6 in Westport & Dartmouth? Let us know!

Here you can rank the issues and ideas we gathered from public meetings from 'most' to 'least' important to you!

Our study area starts at the Westport/Fall River town line and ends at Cross Road in Dartmouth.

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* 1. How do you travel along Route 6?

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* 2. How often do you travel on Route 6?

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* 3. In which city/town or zip code do you typically start your trip (Where do you leave from)?

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* 4. In which city/town or zip code do you typically end your trip (Where do you go to)?

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* 5. Rank these issues from 'most' to 'least' important:
1 being "most important" & 9 being "least important"

  1. Traffic Moves too fast
  2. Crossing from one side of Route 6 to the other feels unsafe
  3. Route 6 isn't visually appealing
  4. roadway needs to be repaved soon & lines repainted
  5. not enough room for more than one car to wait in turning lanes
  6. lack of sidewalks
  7. poor condition of current sidewalks
  8. storm-water runoff is causing pollution of wells
  9. median turn-arounds are dangerous

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* 6. Rank these ideas from 'most' to 'least' important:

  1. Let's build better sidewalks
  2. calm traffic - lower the speeds
  3. encourage more local businesses and not big box stores/chains
  4. more pedestrian scale lighting
  5. add bicycle infrastructure
  6. remove one travel lane in each direction to make room for improvements
  7. better multi-modal connections to UMass Dartmouth
  8. encourage the use of SRTA facilities
  9. reflectors at the turn arounds
  10. more landscaping - helps to beautify and slow down traffic
  11. install "bump-outs" to shorten crossing distances for pedestrians
  12. reduction of speed limit
  13. create a village: walkable community full of local shops, pocket parks, and homes