This survey is created by the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA), the umbrella organization of Toronto's 84 BIAs. The goal of this survey is to collect feedback from businesses across the City of Toronto related to business insurance. Please use this opportunity to provide any feedback you may have. All responses will remain confidential. 

Question Title

* 1. What BIA are you a member of?

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* 2. How would you best describe yourself?

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* 3. Has your business secured insurance for the year?

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* 4. If no, please share your reason(s) why

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* 5. If yes, have you experienced an increase in insurance premiums compared to previous years?

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* 6. If you have experienced an increase in premiums, please share how much

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* 7. How much would your insurance premiums need to increase to risk your business no longer being able to operate?

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* 8. In the box below, please list what coverage your business purchases (Property, Contents Insurance, etc.)

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* 9. Please share any final comments you may have on insurance below

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will be most helpful in future advocacy efforts to all levels of government