Principal Investigator – Dr. Wayne P. Bergeron, Dept. of Politics, Justice, Law, and Philosophy
                                             University of North Alabama
                                             Phone: 256 765-5022      Email:
-        Thank you for agreeing to participate in this training needs assessment for determining the evolution of the former UNA Public Safety Institute and the way forward for the North Alabama Public Service Training Center.  This research is designed to gather your thoughts and perspective about your perceived training needs as well as those of your department/agency.
-        This short online survey will take less than 15 minutes
-        Your responses will be kept non-attributable to both you and your department/agency
-        Your participation in this research is totally voluntary
-        The expected benefit of this project is to determine how the University of North Alabama can better serve the training and education needs of the local and regional emergency response community
-        No personal identifying information will be collected in this study

Question Title

* 1. What type of Public Safety Agency are you a member of?

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* 2. How long have you been involved in Public Safety?

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* 3. What do you see as the greatest training challenge facing your department/agency?

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* 4. What would you see as the biggest training shortfall within your department/agency?

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* 5. Do you find it difficult to get the necessary continuing education credits each year to maintain your certification?

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* 6. Would you be interested in online training opportunities to fulfill continuing education unit requirements ?

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* 7. Does your department/agency provide CEU training opportunities and/or funding?

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* 8. Were you aware that the University of North Alabama had a Public Safety Training Institute?

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* 9. Have you ever taken any courses or training at the UNA Public Safety Institute?

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* 10. What types of Public Safety training/courses would you be interested in seeing UNA offer?

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* 11. What would you consider a fair price for a 1 day (6 contact hour) equivalent  CEU course?

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* 12. Do you have any other thoughts or comments to share in regards to public safety training needs?

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* 13. If you want to learn about future training/instructor opportunities, please provide an email address to stay in touch.