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2023 Saukville Chamber Scholarship Application
2023 Saukville Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Application
The Saukville Chamber of Commerce invites applications from Saukville residents who are scheduled to graduate as a member of the high school class of 2023.
The Chamber will recognize a deserving graduate by awarding a $1,500 (one thousand five hundred dollar) scholarship. The award will be made to the student who has the highest total score based upon the following categories:
-Academic achievement throughout high school career
-High school and community service activities in which you participated, including offices held
-Work experience, including positions held Future educational plans
-Short essay (1,000 words or less) detailing the important life lessons you have gained through service, work and schooling
Important Notes
A. The scholarship will not be based on financial need.
B. The student GPA (grade point average) must be at least 2.0.
C. Any post-secondary educational program of study qualifies.
D. Application and transcripts are due by April 28, 2023