The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) is a network of organizations that work together to provide common communications services in humanitarian emergencies. The Syria ETC was activated in January 2013.

To help us serve you better we have created a quick user feedback survey.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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* 1. What type of organisation do you work for?

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* 2. In which city or town are you mainly based for work? If you mainly work in a camp please specify the camp name.

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* 3. Did you know that the ETC aims to provide the following type of services in common operational locations?

  Yes, I know No, I did not know
Radio services (network coverage, training, programming)
Emergency telecommunications coordination and consultation

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* 4. How do you rate the ETC services you have used?

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* 5. Do you find the Syria ETC situation reports and service maps useful?

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* 6. Do you visit to access information about the Syria ETC?

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* 7. Are there areas in Syria, Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan where you believe the Syria ETC should be providing services? If so, which areas and what services do you have in mind?

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* 8. How can the Syria ETC serve you better? We welcome your suggestions.

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* 9. If you don't mind us contacting you in relation to your feedback, please leave your details below.