Sonoma County 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey |
Survey Introduction
A partnership of local governments and stakeholders in Sonoma County are working together to update the Sonoma County Multijurisdictional Hazards Mitigation Plan. This will enable the jurisdictions to use pre- and post-disaster financial assistance to reduce the exposure of County residents to risks associated with hazards.
To better identify and plan for future disasters, we need your assistance. This questionnaire is designed to help us gauge the level of knowledge local citizens already have about disaster issues and to find out from local residents about areas vulnerable to various types of natural disasters. The information you provide will help us coordinate activities to reduce the risk of injury or property damage in the future.
The survey consists of 30 questions plus an opportunity for any additional comments at the end. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. When you have finished the survey, please click "Done" on the final page.
The Sonoma County Hazard Mitigation Planning Partnership thanks you for taking the time to participate in this information-gathering process.
To better identify and plan for future disasters, we need your assistance. This questionnaire is designed to help us gauge the level of knowledge local citizens already have about disaster issues and to find out from local residents about areas vulnerable to various types of natural disasters. The information you provide will help us coordinate activities to reduce the risk of injury or property damage in the future.
The survey consists of 30 questions plus an opportunity for any additional comments at the end. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. When you have finished the survey, please click "Done" on the final page.
The Sonoma County Hazard Mitigation Planning Partnership thanks you for taking the time to participate in this information-gathering process.