We need at least 1,000 signatures by 14 January 2016 to bring the petition to the council

Croydon Local Plan (CLP2) for Shirley will have a devastating effect on where we live. The proposals and what is finally agreed will shape the way Shirley develops over the next 20 years.

We will lose greenbelt and have our open spaces either built on or designated for use as traveller sites. As well as intensification of development, which will change the character of our residential areas.

This is unacceptable as it will completely change the character of Shirley and I urge you to object to it very strongly by signing this petition.

Key points affecting Shirley

·         700 new homes to be built in Shirley Oaks Village with no provision for extra facilities like schools, doctors or parking etc.

·         2 permanent traveller/gypsy sites

·         Semi detached houses in Wickham Avenue, Ridgemount Avenue, Peregrine Gardens, West Way Gardens, the northern section of Hartland Way and the western parts of Bennetts Way and Devonshire to be replaced by medium-rise blocks of flats.

·         Changing the designation of the area around and including the Green Triangle behind Valley Walk and down Shirley Road and Shirley Avenue.

Theses plans will be harmful in a number of ways. So, we the undersigned, call on Croydon Council to drop its plans for Shirley.

This petition will be delivered to Croydon Council. To do this, I need you to include your name and address.

Please sign the petition by selecting the agree option below.

Question Title

* 1. I call on Croydon Council to drop its demands for Shirley. I oppose the intensification associated with the gradual change of the area’s local character, de-designation of Metropolitan Open Land around Shirley, Gypsy Traveller Sites and development on Garden land.

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your name and postcode

Question Title

* 3. Your email address so that local resident Dave Greenwood and Monks Orchard Residents’ Association (MORA) can keep you updated with this campaign and other local issues:

Question Title

* 4. Add any further comments in the box below (optional):

Please forward this link (www.surveymonkey.com/r/SaveShirley) to your friends and neighbours to sign this petition.
Anyone can sign a petition requesting the council to consider, reconsider or take action on any matter or issue where the council has duties or responsibilities or which affect the borough.

To sign a petition you must live, work or study in Croydon. There is no lower age limit on who can sign a petition, but children who sign should do so free from coercion and should have a reasonable understanding of the issue.

Each person who lives in the household is eligible to sign.
Thank you for filling in this survey. By submitting your email address, you choose to opt-in to receive further updates from Croydon Conservative Association, its affiliates and both elected and non-elected representatives.