Do you drive, walk, bicycle, or ride the bus? We want your input!
We are developing a transportation plan for the Southern Navajo and Apache Counties region – the City of Show Low, the Towns of Taylor, Snowflake and Pinetop-Lakeside, and communities within Navajo and Apache Counties, including Concho and Vernon.

We want your input on the transportation system in the region, including roadways, bicycle facilities, pedestrian facilities and public transit. Your input will help us identify the priority projects and investments that need to be included in the plan.


Question Title

* 1. Which of the following ways do you typically travel on a daily basis (check all that apply)?

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* 2. How would you rank these issues with the current transportation system in the southern Navajo and Apache Counties region? This “region” includes the City of Show Low, the Towns of Taylor, Snowflake and Pinetop-Lakeside, and areas of Navajo and Apache Counties, including Vernon and Concho.

  0 - Very Poor 1 - Poor 2 - Average 3 - Good 4 - Excellent
Daily traffic congestion
Seasonal traffic congestion
Available bicycle lanes and paths
Available sidewalks and trails
Access to public transit
Roadway pavement conditions
Lack of street connectivity between communities

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* 3. When you travel to work, school, or shopping in the in the identified southern Navajo and Apache Counties region, what roadway section or intersection has the greatest need for improvements to increase your safety or mobility as you travel?

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* 4. Imagine that you were given $100 to invest for transportation improvements.  Using the box next to each improvement, enter the portion of that $100 that you would dedicate to that improvement. Enter a whole number between 0 - 100.  Do not include dollar signs or decimals.

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* 5. Rank the following factors in order of importance when prioritizing transportation projects? (1= most important; 7 = least important)

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* 6. What is your residency status in the study area (shown in the map at the top)

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* 7. Optional: What is your age?

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* 8. Do you have any other comments?

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* 9. Optional: If you would like to be added to the email mailing list for study updates and meeting notices then please provide the following: