2023 Update Magazine Readership Survey

Listening to our readers has always been important to us. Your feedback to this 5-minute survey will help us to make sure that we are providing the type of content that you find most useful in Saint Jospeh Notre Dame Update magazine.

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* 1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

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* 2. Please tell us your relationship to SJND. (Please check all that apply.)

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* 3. Please tell us your decade of graduation from SJND.

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* 4. How many times a year do you receive Saint Joseph Notre Dame Update magazine?

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* 5. How much time do you spend reading each edition of Saint Joseph Notre Dame Update magazine?

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* 6. How long do you keep each edition of Saint Joseph Notre Dame Update magazine?

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* 7. Would you prefer to receive an electronic version of the magazine rather than a printed version?

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* 8. Overall, how satisfied are you with Saint Joseph Notre Dame Update magazine?

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* 9. Please rank the type of content you like to see in our magazine with 1 being the most desired and 11 being the least desired content.

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* 10. What do you think of the current name of our magazine, Saint Joseph Notre Dame Update?

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* 11. Are you open to a name change for our magazine?

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* 12. Please rank these potential names for the magazine with 1 being the most preferred and 7 being the least preferred.

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* 13. If you would like to suggest additional possible names for our magazine please use the space below.

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* 14. What would you like to see in the magazine that you do not see now? Please use the space below.

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* 15. Please indicate your agreement with this statement: "Saint Joseph Notre Dame Update magazine strengthens my personal connection to the school."

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* 16. Please indicate all of the ways in which Saint Joseph Notre Dame magazine strengthens your connection to the institution. (Check all that apply.)

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* 17. Please share any additional comments or suggestions about our magazine, whether those comments refer to things you like or things you do not like.

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* 18. If you would like to be entered into our drawing for SJND swag, please provide your name, address, phone number, and email address. We will never sell or share your contact information with any third party. Thank you!