Exit this survey Scottish Dental Show 2015 - Delegate feedback About you and the Show Question Title * 1. About you I am a dentist I am a dental nurse I am a hygienist I am a therapist I am a technician I am a practice manager Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. When did you attend the Show? Friday only Saturday only Friday and Saturday Question Title * 3. How would you rate the Scottish Dental Show 2014? Excellent Good Average Disappointing Poor Question Title * 4. How did you hear about this event? Scottish Dental magazine www.sdmag.co.uk www.sdshow.co.uk Twitter Facebook Word of mouth Telephone marketing Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How organised was the event? Extremely organised Very organised Moderately organised Slightly organised Not at all organised Comments: Question Title * 6. Did the show meet your expectations? Much better Somewhat better Slightly better About what was expected Slightly worse Somewhat worse Much worse I thought the show was: I thought the show was: Much better I thought the show was: Somewhat better I thought the show was: Slightly better I thought the show was: About what was expected I thought the show was: Slightly worse I thought the show was: Somewhat worse I thought the show was: Much worse Question Title * 7. How satisfied were you with the event? Extremely satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied I was: I was: Extremely satisfied I was: Satisfied I was: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied I was: Dissatisfied I was: Extremely dissatisfied Question Title * 8. Will you be attending this event in the future? Definitely Possibly Not sure Possibly not Definitely not If not, could you give a reason? Question Title * 9. How satisfied were you with the show website (www.sdshow.co.uk)? Extremely satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied Comments: Question Title * 10. When would you prefer future events to be held? Thursday & Friday Friday & Saturday Next