This OIT Customer Satisfaction Survey of SAU faculty, staff and students is being conducted to assess and improve the services that IT at SAU offers. Your judgments about the quality of our services are important because they help us identify the areas in which we are succeeding, point to the services we need to improve, and highlight the areas in which we need to offer new services. Please be assured that your answers are confidential, and no individual’s answers will ever be identified in any report. Your participation is voluntary. Your decision to participate will, in no way, affect your standing in your program.
Please answer each question as completely as possible by selecting your answers in the circle or box for each question. Most of the questions ask for your level of satisfaction for a given service based on either a two-point or a five-point scale. The scale represents a spectrum: 1 signifies that you are not at all satisfied with a service, and 5 means you are very satisfied. There are no neutral options. If you are not familiar enough with a particular service to make an evaluation, please select 6 for "cannot evaluate" this service. If you have no knowledge of the service in question, please select 7 for "never heard of service" rather than not answering the question. The survey instrument consists of 17 items that are designed to measure the performance of three core commitments: (1) IT Services, (2) Technology and Collaboration Services, (3) Support and Training, (4) Demographics (5) General Assessment (6) Open ended questions.
Please answer each question as completely as possible by selecting your answers in the circle or box for each question. Most of the questions ask for your level of satisfaction for a given service based on either a two-point or a five-point scale. The scale represents a spectrum: 1 signifies that you are not at all satisfied with a service, and 5 means you are very satisfied. There are no neutral options. If you are not familiar enough with a particular service to make an evaluation, please select 6 for "cannot evaluate" this service. If you have no knowledge of the service in question, please select 7 for "never heard of service" rather than not answering the question. The survey instrument consists of 17 items that are designed to measure the performance of three core commitments: (1) IT Services, (2) Technology and Collaboration Services, (3) Support and Training, (4) Demographics (5) General Assessment (6) Open ended questions.