
COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW Primary Health Network, Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) and Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) have developed a consultation draft Regional Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan which is set to bring about positive change for local consumers, their families and carers.

There have been many mental health plans and strategies at a national, state and organisational level.  This plan is different.  It is the first time a plan has been prepared for joint regional action between a primary health network (COORDINARE – South Eastern NSW PHN) and local hospital districts (Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD and Southern NSW LHD).

This plan focuses on the way in which the three organisations can work together with consumers and other stakeholders to reduce fragmentation, address shared priorities and put in place joined up systems and pathways for people with mental illness or at risk of suicide.

The plan is currently in draft stage, for consultation, and your input is very welcome. Based on the draft plan that you have just read / reviewed please provide us some feedback and comments.

For any further queries please contact:
Alison Bradley
Mental Health Service Development and Performance Manager
P: 02 6132 8602  |  M: 0491 217 916  |  E:
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33% of survey complete.