Redway Walk, Bike and Roll Safety Survey

The Redwoods Rural Health Center, County of Humboldt and Redwood Community Action Agency are working together to gather input from Redway community members about their experiences and needs for walking, biking, skating and using mobility devices/ wheelchairs in Redway. In particular, the focus is on access to the Health Center from the central “downtown” part of Redway (along or near Redwood Drive, Redway Drive, and the first part of Briceland Road). Your input will help to decide where to focus and what kinds of improvements can be made.

If you are able, please come to check out the area in person and provide your suggestions at a Community Walk & Observation on Wednesday, October 2nd from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm, meeting at the Mateel Community Center, 59 Rusk Lane in Redway. For more information, please contact Emily Sinkhorn at 707-269-2061 or email  Thank you for your time and ideas!
1.How often do you walk, bike, skate or use a mobility device in Redway to access the Redwoods Rural Health Center or destinations in central Redway? Please choose one.
2.When you travel in the area described in Question 1, how do you get there? Please choose all that apply.
3.Do you have safety concerns about walking and biking on Redwoods Drive and access roads to the Health Center and central Redway? If so, what are they? Please choose all that apply.
4.How often would you walk/ bike/ roll to get to destinations like the Health Center and central Redway if improvements were made for walking, biking and rolling? Please choose one answer, and feel free to elaborate on your choice below.
5.Is there anything else you’d like to add about walking, bicycling or using a mobility device in the central Redway area/ to access Health Center?
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered