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About This Survey

The Tri-Cities Consortium (the Tri-Cities) is a local government partnership that is led by the city of Richland and includes the cities of Pasco and Kennewick. The Tri-Cities receives funds each year from the federal government to invest in housing and community development programs that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income people. In 2024, a family of four in Benton and Franklin Counties would be considered low- and moderate-income if they had an annual family income below $79,900.

Every five years, the Tri-Cities develops a Consolidated Plan to identify the housing and community development needs for people living in the Tri-Cities and outlines the goals for using its federal funds.

In addition, as part of receiving these federal funds, the Tri-Cities Consortium seeks to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. In doing so, the Tri-Cities are undertaking an Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH). The AFH is a planning document that analyzes how well the Tri-Cities are expanding housing choice among members of protected classes.

The Tri Cities created this survey to hear from members of the community and gather your thoughts on the housing and community development needs in the Tri-Cities. Your participation in this survey is anonymous.

The survey includes 28 multiple choice questions and should take about 8 minutes to complete.