This is a short survey to try and understand the main sources of media used by the wargaming (boardgames) community.

The survey will only take a few moments to complete, and one lucky participant will receive a free copy of the new Russo-Japanese wargame Port Arthur from Nuts! Publishing, posted anywhere in the world.

Please respond by Sunday 7th July to be entered into the prize draw.

Contact James Buckley ( if you want any more info about the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Please rank in order of importance your sources of news about new wargame releases (click N/A if not applicable). You can drag and drop your answers.

Question Title

* 2. When you hear about a new wargame, how do you try to find out more information about it?

  Always Usually Sometimes Rarely/Never
Check its BGG page
Check its product page on the publisher's website
Post a question about it on social media
Search for YouTube videos about it
General internet search
Ask about it at a local game store
Wait to test it at an expo, convention or game night

Question Title

* 3. Which wargaming podcasts do you regularly listen to (select multiple)?

Question Title

* 4. Which wargaming YouTube channels do you regularly watch? (select multiple)

Question Title

* 5. Which wargaming blogs do you regularly read? (select multiple)

Question Title

* 6. Which country are you based in?

Question Title

* 7. Thank you for completing the survey.

If you wish to enter the draw for the copy of Port Arthur please enter your email address here (your information will remain anonymous - you will be contacted on this email address if you win):