Survey on Copper Pipe Pin Hole Leaks

Please complete the survey

The City of Miramar values our residents and is aware of your concerns regarding copper pipe issues.  The City engaged the services of two independent firms that specialize in water treatment technology and corrosion control. The finding from each independent firm is that the City of Miramar remains compliant with the provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), including the lead and copper rule (LCR), a Federal law that protects the public health by minimizing lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) levels in drinking water, primarily by reducing water corrosivity.

Please visit to read the presentations from the independent experts.

 The City continues to monitor our water quality to ensure continued compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Florida Department of Health, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). We care about our residents and welcome your feedback on how we can help you through this difficult time.
1.Homeowner's Name
2.Homeowner's Address
3.Homeowner's e-mail address
4.Telephone No.
5.Are you currently experiencing (or have in the past) pinhole leaks?
6.(If yes) How long have you experienced this issue?
7.(If yes) Where is the exact location of the leak?
8.What year was your home built?
9.Is your home
10.Has your home ever been unoccupied (the plumbing un-used) for an extended time? If yes, how long
11.Has this issue been assessed by a licensed plumber? If yes, what is the estimated cost?
12.What options have you received from your homeowner’s insurance to cover the cost of re-piping?
13.What’s the biggest challenge you are facing with the copper pipe pinhole leak?
14.Do you know the Code as to the type of copper pipe that should be used in your building?
15.Would you be interested in participating in a low-interest loan program to assist with the cost of replacing the copper pipes in your home?
16.What other service or help have you found that could be shared with other residents who are experiencing the copper pipe pinhole leaks?
17.Are there any other recommendations or feedback you would like to provide the City?