ICS Masterclass Evaluation

Thank you for taking the time to review an ICS Masterclass

This short evaluation form should only take 5-10mins to complete.

Anonymized responses will be provided to the ICS Education Committee and the Masterclass Chairs following the event.
1.Please enter the title of the Masterclass you are reviewing(Required.)
2.What was the date of the Masterclass?(Required.)
3.Please note how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
The speakers were engaging and experts in the field
The length and pace of the Masterclass was good and allowed plenty time for discussion and questions
The research presented had good scientific merit and showed high-quality findings
The audio and visual aids used were of high-quality and appropriate for the session
This Masterclass was appropriately multi-disciplinary
This Masterclass was appropriately multi-national
4.Please rate the following qualities of the Masterclass?(Required.)
5.Were the objectives of this Masterclass met?(Required.)
6.What were your main take aways from this Masterclass?(Required.)
7.Please note any improvement suggestions for this Masterclass here.
8.Please note any subjects that you would like to see ICS Masterclasses on in the future here.