Update of Hazard Mitigation Plan - Resident Survey
The County and Towns Need Your Input!!
Granite County and the Towns of Philipsburg and Drummond are updating their Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to better understand the natural and man-made hazards that pose a threat to residents and to identify steps to reduce the risks associated with these hazards. Your input is essential for the success of this project. Please take a moment to complete the survey. You can drop completed hardcopy surveys off at either the Granite County Courthouse, Philipsburg Town Hall or Drummond Town Hall.
If you have questions about this project please contact either Rick Day, the County DES Coordinator at 406-370-5060 or rday@co.granite.mt.us. You can also contact Jerry Grebenc with Great West Engineering at 406-495-6153 or jgrebenc@greatwesteng.com.