1.Legend Hall Of Fame - In honor of Gregor De Gruytter, this award shines light on an absolute legend and leader of the industry
2.Most Ruckus Bar - The venue where the party can't escape you, the ultimate danger zone
3.Life of the party / Most Dangerous - The human version of the Most Ruckus Bar
4.Worst Social Media - #youreboringme #clarifiedmilkpunch
5.Party of the Year - #voteforidiotsavant2023
6.Kevan Stovetop Award for the Biggest Dummy Spit - Always say sober what you said you’d say when you were drunk. Otherwise shut up.
7.Eighty Six Award - No more for you. Have a break. Have a kit kat.
8.Kookslam - Send in your videos you damn kook. Upload or send your videos to
9.Best Toilets - Send photos to (of the toilets, not the activities)
10.Best Bar Bar - Dear Boss, if you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean