embedding and funding health research as an essential component of our health system

The Transition Unit overseeing New Zealand's health reforms has agreed with NZHR that health research should be included in the design of the country's new health system. We now need to articulate both what this would look like specifically, and the impact on health outcomes that could result. We appreciate your assistance with this important piece of work - so thanks in advance for your help by participating in this survey. Chris Higgins, NZHR Chief Executive

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* 1. Please tell us what in your view would be the top three things that would be different if health research was embedded as an essential component of New Zealand's reformed health and disability system

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* 2. The following is a list of possible features of a health system in which health research is embedded as an essential component. Thinking broadly about New Zealand's health system ( i.e. what needs to happen for people to stay well and what needs to happen if they become unwell), tell us how important you think each of these features is.

  very unimportant somewhat unimportant neither important nor unimportant somewhat important  very important 
clinical training agencies are mandated to ensure that their processes require emerging and current clinicians to  undertake research
at a level which could translate into criteria for professional development and/or CME points
clinical training agencies are mandated to ensure that their processes require emerging and current clinicians to practice according to best evidence based standards of care
the health system has a dedicated unit which ensures that, and monitors the extent to which, health research is at the heart of policy making and service commissioning decisions
clinical research specialists such as research fellows and nurse researchers are routinely members of clinical teams to ensure services are provided in accordance with best contemporary evidence
there are research and evidence based clinical standards and/or guidelines for health service delivery which health service providers should be contractually required to adhere to
clinicians routinely engage with, and are expected and incentivised, to participate in health and clinical research which is being undertaken in the health care settings in which they work
health care providers have the administrative and staffing capacity to enable them to operate as clinical trial sites for third party funded research projects
people find it easy to participate in a clinical trial of a new therapy/intervention if they have a condition it might be able to treat
accountability for dedicated government investment in health research (eg for the Health Research Council, health related national science challenges, recently announced new funding for infectious disease research) is located within the health system itself (rather than MBIE etc)
health care organisations are contractually funded and mandated to undertake and require clinician participation in health and medical research in their facilities
entities that profit from lifestyle choices which, based on the results of health research, are demonstrably associated with poor health outcomes are regulated to mitigate and minimise the health risks associated with their products and services
there are tailored national, community and family/whanau level evidenced based advertising, marketing and advocacy/support campaigns to encourage healthy and discourage unhealthy lifestyles

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* 3. Please list any additional important features of a New Zealand health system distinguished by health research as an embedded and essential component

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* 4. Please tell us about any health research projects which you have been involved with or know about which have not gone ahead, in full or in part, because of a lack of, or inadequate, funding. We need a brief description of the project and the direct and/or indirect impact that it could have had on health outcomes

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* 5. Finally, please tell us which of the following best describes your role in respect of how you've completed this questionnaire

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* 6. Thanks for your assistance and participation. Please click "done" below when finished.