Made-Well Hatherleigh are rethinking and improving their events and we want to tailor them for the local community and surrounding areas. If you could please fill out the survey below we would be very grateful as this would help us come up with some great events for you. Many Thanks

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* 1. Have you ever attended a Made-Well Event?

Please leave your email below if you want to receive more information about up and coming events at Made Well.

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* 2. If Yes how do you rate the events at Made-Well?

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* 3. If No then what is the reason you haven't been to any events at Made-Well?

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* 4. What type of Events would you prefer to see more of at Made-Well?

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* 5. What forms of advertising do you pay attention to the most?

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* 6. What is your closest town/village?

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* 7. What is your age range?

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* 8. How many 5 to 13 year old are in you household?

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* 9. Would you be consider using the Made-Well centre or its surrounding land to host the following events for you, friends or family in the future? If so please tick which events below?