1. General Instructions

Thank you for considering membership in NASPAA, the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration! NASPAA is an institutional membership association dedicated to ensuring excellence in education and training for public service and promoting the ideal of public service.

Please note: It is highly recommended applicants have your Masters data ready prior to starting this form.

Membership Eligibility
Institutional membership in NASPAA is open to appropriately designated academic units or programs (e.g., colleges, schools, divisions, departments, centers, programs, institutes) within institutions of higher education that:

· have a substantial commitment to the purpose of the association,
· have separately identified curricula leading to a graduate degree in public affairs, policy, administration, or similar and
· are accredited by appropriate regional accrediting bodies or their equivalent.

NASPAA also has a category of Associate Membership for other academic and non-academic organizations that subscribe to the purpose of the association. Please visit the NASPAA website for Associate Membership information: www.naspaa.org

How Applications Are Considered
NASPAA’s governing body, the Executive Council, has the responsibility for considering and approving membership applications. The Council reviews applications as they are submitted and will notify applicants in a timely manner.

Important information to note:
To indicate that the program has university support, the head of the program or unit seeking membership is asked to e-sign the document and indicate that they have the authority to seek membership. The ‘principal representative’ is also asked to sign and submit the NASPAA Member Code of Good Practice.

Membership dues are based on total student enrollment in the public affairs/policy/administration program(s) during the previous academic year. NASPAA will invoice you following approval of the membership application.

Please attach a narrative statement describing the purpose of the academic program(s), how it fits into the university organization, fields of special concerns such as urban affairs, international policy, management science, budgeting, city management, etc., and the academic program.

If you have any questions about membership eligibility, the application, or NASPAA in general, please contact membership@naspaa.org.