Customer Satisfaction Survey 2023

Thank you for taking time to complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey. The survey should only take a few minutes. Please remember to hit the “Submit” button at the end. We greatly appreciate your assistance and input on how we can continue to improve. 
1.How satisfied are you with how our products/services met your company’s needs?
1 = Very Dissatisfied
2 = Somewhat Dissatisfied
3= Neutral
4 = Somewhat Satisfied
5 = Very Satisfied
2.How satisfied are you with the VALUE delivered by our products/services?
1 = Very Dissatisfied
2 = Somewhat Dissatisfied
3= Neutral
4 = Somewhat Satisfied
5 = Very Satisfied
3.How would you rate your satisfaction with Moser's performance in the following areas?
1 = Very Dissatisfied
2 = Somewhat Dissatisfied
3= Neutral
4 = Somewhat Satisfied
5 = Very Satisfied
Completion of Scope of Work
4.How satisfied are you with the KNOWLEDGE of our:
1 = Very Dissatisfied
2 = Somewhat Dissatisfied
3= Neutral
4 = Somewhat Satisfied
5 = Very Satisfied
Engagement Manager
Consultant/Subject Matter Expert (Developer, Analyst, Project Manager)
Administrative (Finance, HR, Office Manager)
5.Please provide any additional feedback below.
6.What are the most pressing technology issues you are currently facing?