LD@school - Math Manipulatives Video Survey Question Title * 1. In what capacity did you view this video? Director/Supervisory Officer Administrator Teacher/Early Childhood Educator Parent Student Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Please identify the school board with which you are associated. Question Title * 3. The students that I work with are primarily: Elementary Secondary Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How did you find this video? From the LD@school website From a colleague From a professional learning session From an LD@school presentation Through an internet search (i.e. Google) Through Twitter (@LDatSchool) Through Facebook Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. The length of the video was: Too long Too short Just right Question Title * 6. Please rate the quality of the video. Lacking basic requirements Low Moderate / passable High Exceptional Lacking basic requirements Low Moderate / passable High Exceptional Question Title * 7. Will the video content be helpful for you in your work with students with learning disabilities? Yes Partially No Question Title * 8. Did you make use of the accompanying viewer’s guide? Yes No Question Title * 9. If you used the viewer’s guide, please describe how it was used. Question Title * 10. If you used the viewer’s guide, please describe what you liked or did not like about it. Question Title * 11. Do you have any additional comments related to this video that you would like to share with the LD@school team? Question Title * 12. Do you have any ideas for specific future videos that you would like to see from the LD@school team that you would like to share? Submit