Topic 4:  Measuring Outcomes: high quality, meaningful and practical
Speaker: Sonya Osborne

We aim to consistently improve and expand this program with the feedback we receive.

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* 1. The site I belong to is:

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* 2. The department I belong to is:

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* 3. I accessed this professional development session:

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* 4. The device I used to access the professional development:


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* 5. This session has increased my understanding of Outcome Measurement for Implementation:

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* 6. I could confidently decide if an outcome measure is useful and practical to monitor in clinical practice:

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* 7. This session has made me weigh up the benefits and pitfalls of measuring outcomes in my clinical practice:

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* 8. Implementation outcomes have been defined as "...the effects of deliberate and purposive actions to implement new treatments, practices, and services.  Match the following implementation outcomes to their definition:

  Penetration Adoption Acceptability Fidelity Sustainability
The intention or action to try or use an evidence-based practice.
The integration of a practice within a service setting and reaching target population.
The extent to which a newly implemented practice is maintained within a service.
The perception that a given practice or service is agreeable or satisfactory.
The degree to which an intervention is implemented as intended.

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* 9. The webinar and case study format was easily accessible by members of our department:

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* 10. The webinar and case study format was pitched at an appropriate level for our department's current understanding of the topic:

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* 11. The 4 topics in this professional development series provided sufficient information to commence or progress a research translation project:

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* 12. Please provide any suggestions for improving the way MTR training is delivered in the future:

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* 13. I am considering submitting an application for the Nutrition & Dietetics My Translation Rules (MTR) Award this year: