New Opportunities Mentoring Program

This referral is to be completed for youth (5-17) for our community-based mentoring programs that serve Audubon, Carroll, Greene, Guthrie, and Sac Counties. 

Are you a parent or guardian of the youth being referred? You can complete our online application here today!
*Person filling out the youth's application MUST be their parent or acting guardian

Question Title

* 1. What is today's date?

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* 2. Please provide the full name of the child you are referring below:

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* 3. What school does the child attend?

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* 4. What grade is the child in?

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* 5. What is the child's teacher's name & email (if known)?

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* 6. Which mentoring program do you feel would be best for this child?

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* 7. The child being referred needs one on one assistance in the following areas. Check all that apply:

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* 8. Do you have any specific suggestions regarding the type of Mentor to be matched with this child? (age, gender, special training, etc.)

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* 9. Please provide the child's parent/guardian's address, phone number, and email address.
Once this form is reviewed I may contact him/her to set up an appointment to get the child enrolled in the program.

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* 10. Please type your full name and relationship to the child you are referring:

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* 11. Please provide your email address and phone number:

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* 12. As the person referring this child to the mentoring program I understand:

Question Title

* 13. How should the application be sent?

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* 14. I am interested in becoming a mentor:

Are you a parent or guardian of the youth being referred? You can complete our online application here today!
*Person filling out the youth's application MUSTbe their parent or acting guardian.

For any further questions, concerns, or additional information contact our Mentoring Program Coordinator today:

Ann Newman
New Opportunities, Inc.
1710 West Main St.
Sac City, IA 50583
Sac Phone: 712-662-3236 ext. 7041
Carroll Phone: 712-792-9266 ext. 1021
Fax: 712-792-1457