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It is very common for people to experience both substance misuse and mental health issues. Too often they are unable to access the support they need.

In Moray we are looking at ways to break down barriers and improve support and services so that individuals can get the right help, at the right time and in the right place.

Please share your knowledge,  skills and lived experiences of the issues to help achieve positive change for all. You don’t have to answer all the questions. We’d like to hear from you by Friday 15 June if possible.

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* 1. What are the main challenges and issues faced by people with lived experiences of both substance use and mental health issues?

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* 2. What are services currently doing that is working well?

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* 3. What gaps are there within current support services?

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* 4. What improvements could be made?

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* 5. What services and support might people need to access  so they receive the best possible care experience?

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* 6. What would service design look like to offer joined-up care, support and treatment so people can receive the right help and support when they need it?

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