Evaluation of Living Wandle projects |
Welcome to the Living Wandle project evaluation!
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Living Wandle is a Landscape Partnership Scheme funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). The scheme aims to conserve, enhance and maintain the area's special character and to enable people to enjoy and learn about its heritage. HLF funding finishes in 2017 and we are conducting an early evaluation of two completed projects to find out how successful they have been and to help us plan for the future.
The two projects are:
Wandle Flowing Through Time - this was an oral history project to investigate the significance of the River Wandle to different communities. Volunteers interviewed local school-children and adults and the results were contained in a roadshow and a book.
Reflecting the Wandle - a community performance project celebrating the Wandle with personal stories - present-day and historical, 'real' and fictional - leading to a film, Vandalis which is now being shown in various locations in the area.
You may have been involved in some way in one (or perhaps both) of these projects - as a volunteer oral historian or actor, as a participant in one of the events arranged during the project, a member of the audience at one of the film showings or a reader of the book, or perhaps one of the project leads. Whatever your involvement we hope you will let us have your views about the project, its strengths or weaknesses, what went well or perhaps not so well, and what the long term benefits may have been - for the area's heritage and communities, or for you personally.
You can complete the questionnaire anonymously or at the end of the questionnaire we give you the opportunity to supply your contact details if you would like us to contact you by telephone to follow this up with a short interview. We also provide our own contact details in case you would like to contact us separately.
Most pages have 'choice' buttons and also spaces for you to write in your views. We'll be really interested in whatever you are able to tell us. Most questions are optional and you can skip from one page to the next (and you can return to change your answers to earlier questions) by clicking on the buttons 'Previous' and 'Next' at the bottom of each page.
It shouldn't take you more than a few minutes to complete the 'tick box' questions but of course we would really appreciate it if you can spare a little more time to let us have your narrative responses.
When you get to the end of the survey please click the 'Done' button to enter your answers. Please note that if you exit the questionnaire at any point without doing this your answers will not be saved - you will need to start over again.
All information will be treated in confidence.
If you would prefer to complete a paper questionnaire you may request one from:
‘Living Wandle' The Old Bookshop, Morden Hall Park, London, SM4 5JD
‘Living Wandle' The Old Bookshop, Morden Hall Park, London, SM4 5JD