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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Please provide a short description of your educational and professional experience below:

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* 4. What's your English language proficiency?

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* 5. Are you o.k. with us sharing  your contact information with the other TechCamp participants and trainers for networking purposes?

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* 6. What media (social media or otherwise) do you frequently use to communicate with your audience as an individual or an organization?

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* 7. How would you rate your knowledge and skills in using technology?

not skilled somewhat skilled very skilled

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* 8. What areas of technology are you most interested in learning more about?

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* 9. The most pressing challenge that you currently face in your professional life/research institution/university related to countering misinformation/propaganda that you hope to address at TechCamp is:

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* 10. In which way could you contribute to the discussion on countering misinformation/propaganda?