HEAL Evaluation Survey

1.Please identify all committees, workgroups and taskforces you currently serve on.
History of collaboration or cooperation in the community
2.Agencies in our community have a history of working together.
3.Trying to solve problems through collaboration has been common in this community. It has been done a lot before.
Collaborative group seen as a legitimate leader in the community
4.Leaders in this community who are not part of our collaborative group seem hopeful about what we can accomplish.
5.Others (in this community) who are not a part of this collaboration would not generally agree that the organizations involved in this collaborative project are the "right" organizations to make this work.
Favorable political and social climate
6.the political and social climate seem to be "right" for starting a collaborative project like this one.
7.The time is right for this collaborative project.
Mutual respect, understanding, and trust
8.People involved in our collaboration trust one another.
9.I have a lotof respect for the other people involved in this collaboration.
Appropriate cross section of members
10.The people involved in our collaboration represent a cross section of those who have a stake in what we are trying to accomplish.
11.All the organizations that we need to be members of this collaborative group have become members of the group.
Members see collaboration as being in their self-interest
12.My organization will benefit from being involved in this collaboration.
Ability to compromise
13.People involved in our collaboration are willing to compromise on the important aspects of our project.
Members share stake in both process and outcome
14.The organizations that belong to our collaborative group invest the right amount of time in our collaborative efforts.
15.Everyone who is a member of our collaborative group wants this project to succeed.
16.The level of commitment among the collaboration participants is high.
Multiple layers of participation
17.When the collaborative group makes major decisions, there is always enough time for members to take information back to their organizations to confer with colleagues about what the decision should be.
18.Each of the people who participate in decisions in this collaborative group can speak for the entire organization they represent, not just a part.
19.There is a lot of flexibility when decisions are made; people are open to discussing different options
20.People in this collaborative group are open to different approaches to how we can do our work. They are willing to consider different ways of working.
Development of clear roles and policy guidelines
21.People in this collaborative group have a clear sense of their roles and responsibilities.
22.There is a clear process for making decisions among the partners in this collaboration.
Adaptability to changing conditions
23.This collaboration is able to adapt to changing conditions, such as fewer funds than expected, changing political climate, or change in leadership.
24.This group has the ability to survive even if it had to make major changes in its plans or add some new members in order to reach its goals.
Appropriate pace of development
25.This collaborative group has been careful to take on the right pace.
26.This group is currently able to keep up with the work neccesary to coordinate all the people, organizations, and activities related to this collaborative project.
Evaluation and continuous learning
27.A system exists ti monitor and report the activities and/or services of our collaboration.
28.We measure and report the outcomes of our collaboration
29.Information about our activities, services, and outcomes is used by members of the collaborative group to improve our joint network.
Open and frequent communication 
30.People in this collaboration communicate openly with one another
31.I am informed as often as I should be about what's going on  in the collaboration
32.The people who lead this collaborative group communicate well with the members.
Established informal relationships and communication links
33.Communication among the people in this collaborative group happens both at formal meetings and in informal ways
34.I personally have informal conversations about the project with others who are involved in this collaborative group.
Concrete, attainable goals and objectives
35.I have a clear understanding of what our collaboration is trying to accomplish.
36.People in our collaborative group know and understand our goals.
37.People in our collaborative group have established reasonable goals.
Shared vision
38.The people in this collaborative group are dedicated to the idea that we can make this project work.
39.My ideas about what we want to accomplish with this collaboration seem to be the same as the ideas of others.
Unique purpose
40.What we are trying to accomplish with our collaborative project would be difficult for any single organization to accomplish by itself.
41.No other organization in the community is trying to do exactly what we are trying to do.
Sufficient funds, staff, materials, and time
42.Our collaborative group has adequate funds to do what it wants to accomplish.
43.Our collaborative group has adequate "people power" to do what it wants to accomplish.
Skilled leadership
44.The people in leadership positions for this collaboration have good skills for working with other people and organizations.
Engaged stakeholders
45.Our collaborative group engages other stakeholders, outside of the group, as much as we should.
46.Please provide any comments, feedback, or any additional information you would like to share.
Current Progress,
0 of 46 answered