Economic Development Survey

City of Doral COVID-19 Business Impact Survey

The following survey is intended to evaluate the potential impacts to businesses in Doral caused by COVID-19, in addition to determining what resources may be necessary for recovery. Please answer each question honestly and to the best of your ability.
1.What is the name of your business? (note: the results of this survey are completely anonymous, this response will be used to eliminate duplicate surveys)
2.Which of these business classifications best describes your business?
3.How many employees do you have at your business?
4.Has your business permanently laid off or furloughed employees due to revenue losses resulting from the coronavirus crisis?
5.If applicable, please estimate the number of employees who have been furloughed and/or released from duty due to impacts surrounding COVID-19
6.If you need to increase your company’s number of employees, has the COVID-19 crisis impacted your ability to contract new workers?
7.Which of the below financial impacts have you experienced? Please check all that apply.
8.Please explain any additional financial impacts experienced not listed above.
9.What COVID-19-related preventive measures has your business taken (check all that apply)?
10.Please explain any additional preventative measures taken not listed above.
11.Please share your approximate year to date loss in revenue as a percentage difference from expected revenues (eg. "revenues are 10% lower than expected year to date")
12.What resources would be necessary for your business in order to recover from the economic impact of COVID-19? Select all that apply.
13.Has your business received any loans or grants from government assistance programs?
14.Please explain which loans or grants you've applied for.
15.Is there anything else you would like us to know about the impacts you are experiencing related to the public health concerns around COVID-19?