Foot Stretcher Research

1.At what level(s) have you rowed?
2.What event/distance do you participate in?
3.What type of foot stretchers have you worked with? (e.g. brand, model, shoe type)
4.What do you like about this/these stretchers?
5.Have you had any issues with foot stretchers? (including functionality, cracks/breaks)
6.Is there anything about the stretcher you perceive as uncomfortable or ergonomically inefficient?
7.Are you able to find an adjustment that suits your rowing preferences? And if not, which direction/axes do you feel it could be improved?
8.How do you see any of these issues being resolved if the foot stretcher was redesigned or altered?
9.Do you choose your own rowing equipment/components? If not, who does? (e.g. club, coach, team manager)
10.Which 3 of the following would most influence your decision when purchasing rowing equipment and components?