2016-2017 School Year

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* 1. What is the best method to communicate with you?

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* 2. Are you aware that the Ministry of Education does not provide any funding for incentive programs, playground equipment, field trips, or student celebrations?

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* 3. Please prioritize the following non-Ministry supported initiatives based on their importance to you and your child's experience at Moffat Creek.

  Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Additional Classroom Resources
Technology in the Classrooms (chrome books, iPads)
Community Events
Field Trips
Student Celebrations (EQAO, Graduation, Appreciation, Awards)
Kindergarten Playground
Primary Playground
In-School Field Trips (e.g. Scientists in the Classroom)

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* 4. Please indicate which of the following fundraising initiatives you would support, and in what capacity.

  Financial Support Volunteer Support Would Not Support
Weekly Pizza Sales
Spring Fun Fair
Holiday Gift Store
Weekly Lunch Program
Silent Auction or Raffle
Consumable Sales (entertainment books, Fundscrip, greeting cards)
Pledge Based Fundraiser (dance-a-thon, read-a-thon)
Book Fair

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* 5. What do you think should be the top 3 priorities of School Council?

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* 6. Do you have any ideas for School Council, or have anything else you would like us to be aware of?