CRU STRAC Survey Colorado State Patrol Central Records Unit (CRU) Customer Survey Customer Baseline Survey Question Title * 1. How responsive have we been to you about providing the traffic accident report or criminal justice agency record(s) you requested in a timely manner? Extremely responsive (Same Day) Very responsive (Within 3 days of your request) Moderately responsive ( Within 5 days of your request) Not so responsive (Within 7 days of your request) Not at all responsive (More than 7 days of your request) Not applicable Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How well did Colorado State Patrol, Central Records Unit (CRU) Records Technician answer your question? Extremely well Very well Moderately well Not at all well Not applicable Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Colorado State Patrol Central Records Unit (CRU)? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If you would like to be contacted over an issue concerning your interaction with Central Records staff or your records request, please provide your contact information along with the case or citation number. Done