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This survey is intended for use by parents of middle and high school students in Richland County. The goal of this survey is to gather information regarding youth substance use. It is completely VOLUNTARY, if you choose not to take the survey it will not in any way affect services from the school and no one will know your choices.  All submissions are anonymous and cannot be tracked to an individual. Aggregate data will be used to direct Coalition programs and activities as it relates to our federal Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant. 

If you have multiple children, please fill out one survey for EACH child by grade level.

You opinions are very important! Thank you for participating!

Question Title

* 1. I have a child in ________grade.

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* 2. Which school district?

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* 3. Do you think substance use among youth (under 21)  is a problem in Richland County?

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* 4. Which of the following substances do you think are problems for youth in Richland County? (choose as many as apply)

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* 5. How easy is it for youth to get alcohol in Richland County?

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* 6. Where are the easiest places for youth to get alcohol in Richland County? (choose all that apply) *

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* 7. What are the COMMUNITY level factors that allow underage youth to drink alcohol in Richland County. (please rank all of the reasons from 1 to 8).

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* 8. As a parent, I  would be ok if my child(ren) and their friends drink alcohol where I (or another parent) can monitor them and make sure they don't drive or have 'too much'. *

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* 9. Do you agree that it's ok for adults to drink alcohol at youth and family events?  (church festivals, baptisms, birthday parties, youth sports tournaments, school banquets, etc....)

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* 10. Do you agree that early use of alcohol increases the likelihood of developing a substance use disorder or an addiction?

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* 11. Do you agree that use of alcohol increases the likelihood of developing several types of cancer?

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* 12. MARIJUANA: How easy is it for youth to get marijuana in Richland County? *

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* 13. Where are the easiest places/s for youth to get marijuana? (choose all that apply) *

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* 14. How easy is it for youth to get tobacco products (cigarettes, vapes, e-cigarettes) in Richland County?

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* 15. TOBACCO: Where are the easiest places for youth to get tobacco products (vapes, e-cigarettes, cigarettes) in Richland County? (choose all that apply) *

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* 16. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS: How easy would it be for a youth to get prescription drugs for misuse?

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* 17. Where are the easiest places for youth to get prescription drugs in Richland County for misuse? (choose all that apply) *

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* 18. What are the COMMUNITY level factors that make it easier for youth to misuse prescription drugs in Richland County. (please rank all of the reasons from 1 to 8).

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* 19. What prevention messaging has your child received in school or at home? Choose all that apply. *

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* 20. On a scale of 0-100, how comfortable do you feel talking to your child(ren) about substance use and misuse? *

0-not comfortable 100-completely comfortable
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i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 21. What is something you want your child(ren) to know about experimenting with drugs and alcohol in middle or high school? * (this question is required, please type "none" for no response)

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* 22. What would make you feel more comfortable talking to your child(ren) about substance use? * (this question is required, please type "none" for no response)

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* 23. Contact information (optional). Note: To be entered into the drawing, please provide this information.

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