Welcome to our Survey

Thank you for taking part in One Parent Families Scotland’s survey on single parent students, conducted for the Robertson Trust. The aim of this survey is to help us understand and address challenges faced by single parent students in higher education (HE).

Your responses will remain confidential, securely stored, and used only for research. By completing the survey, you consent to the use of your anonymised data. The survey takes about 10 minutes, and you can stop at any time by closing your browser.

You can view our privacy policy for more information about how we process personal data.

Completion of the questions in the survey that follows indicates that you have read and understood the above information and in doing so, consent to be part of this research. If you have questions regarding this study, you may contact us by email at policy@opfs.org.uk.

This survey is for current, former, or prospective students who are single parents in Scotland.
Your input is greatly appreciated.
2% of survey complete.